“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. “
​–​ Benjamin Franklin

Failure of business is not always because of the fund’s crises instead, sometimes, the lack of proper processes in place leads the business failures. From time to time, a business gives us indications to improve processes, procedures, and policies. A good entrepreneur should always pick these signs/indicators at the right time and take the required actions to minimize the chances of business failures. Here we are discussing five significant warning signs indicating that your business is requiring improvements into the business processes.

  • Process Variation- if you are experiencing that in your Organization, people are following different processes for a single work or task, then it is a matter of concern. It is a clear indication that your business needs improvement in your existing processes, and all your people should follow the standard process for being on the same page. A successful business needs harmony between people and processes.
  • Overloaded Emails- When you are struggling with lots of emails and do not know which one should be answered first and later. It is again a clear indicator of the need to improve processes, roles, and delegations. When you start skipping the emails, you may lose an important one may be from a significant customer, or from a government agency who is asking you something and expecting a revert within specified time limits.
  • Excessive Paperwork- Lots of paperwork also make people and organizations lost. Because of many papers, your people might forget to consider or take on records a crucial paper/document. People feel out of control when they are responsible for things and cannot keep track of them. If you let that happen, it will do so in an uncontrolled and undisciplined way. So, don’t be surprised when they deteriorate and start to cause you problems.
  • Lack of proper skills or training- Yesterday somebody was telling me about this person who is handling the store department of a manufacturing Organization. His responsibility is to enter the product details, price, taxation, etc. in the books of accounts. He was making a blunder as he was entering the amount as a price inclusive of tax and zero in the column, where he was supposed to mention the tax amount for the respective product. In this way, he was causing a significant revenue loss as the Organization was not able to claim the input tax credits because of wrong reporting. This incident was also affecting the clear picture of growth. Such incidents are the clear indicators of the need that the hiring and training process of an organization should be improved with immediate effect.
  • Existing processes are not responding well- You might have processes already in place, but with the time and growth of the business, processes also required improvements and changes according to the new requirements. Change is the only constant, and we should always keep this into mind. There may be various incidents when your existing processes are not efficient in taking care of the incident. Your processes are complex, your employees/people are not able to remember the process while working, the process is not an end to end process, the process is not controlled or monitored and so on. If you are experiencing any of this situation, trust me, your business is crying to have an improved process in the system.

Are you experiencing any of these signs?

What can you do if you experience some of these signs in your own Organization?  Don’t worry, and immediately start paying attention to these issues. There are well-established methods to overcome this situation. If you are not getting enough time to take care of this issue, reach out to us. We will immediately identify the appropriate solutions for your problems. Your success is our business 😊.

Happy Reading!

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